Q. How much does this cost?
A. This is free. All the contributors to v1 of the Open Customer Metrics Framework are volunteers. Klever is hosting this site. We will look into creating a non-profit organization if there is enough interest.

Q. Is this a Balanced Scorecard approach?
A. Think of this as based on the principles of the balanced scorecard approach, but built for the modern services organization.ocmftwitter white 100x100

Q. Why is the Customer Category only 20%? 
A. All the categories link together and work together. Listen to minute 4 of this webinar where John Ragsdale walks through some excellent reasons.

Q. Why is a standard necessary?
A. Most companies struggle with knowing what to measure, and how to change the focus from tactical ‘break fix’ measures to more strategic conversations. There is a lot of time wasted capturing data, compiling reports and analyzing data that actually doesn’t make much of a difference.

Q. Why is it an open standard?
A. Inspired by the principles of open source software, we believe that all of us are better than any one of us. Having an open standard that everyone can build off allows companies, vendors and consultants to innovate off the framework.

Q. Why did some of the leaders volunteer to help make this a standard?
A. You can see some of the testimonials on the home page (scroll down to the end). You can also hear from some of them starting at minute 15 of this webinar.

Q. Why is Klever doing this?
A. There are two primary motivations. One is that we want to give back to the industry. Getting this right will impact the lives of millions of people – customers and employees alike. The second is that we have a number of offerings which get even better outcomes when a customer’s measurement framework is based on listening and learning.

Q.How can I help?
A. There are many ways you can help.

  • Lurkers: If you are consume/use anything that is produced, please share the fact you are using the materials. the more people that are aware of these standards, the better. Every tweet or post makes a difference.ocmftwitter white 100x100
  • Participants: If you want to share experiences, develop best practices and work with vendors to incorporate these standards into existing CRM tools, join us at the Measures, Metrics, Madness group on Linked In.
  • Standard-setters: If you are a senior executive and can apply these concepts in your organization, and are want to spend time developing future versions of the Open Customer Metrics Framework, please contact us via the Linked In group above. Ask your vendors to join in.ocmftwitter white 100x100
  • Vendors: If you want to stand out from your competition and help develop and include the Open Customer Metrics Framework v1 (Spring 2016 edition) into your offerings, then please contact us via the Linked In group above.

What is the Open Customer Metrics Framework meant to be?

  • Open … a collaborative effort that is not proprietary and does not endorse any one vendor or consultant’s methodology. Anyone is free to use, reproduce and even modify this as long as you respect the terms of the copyright.
  • Balanced … creates a balanced scorecard approach for measuring what’s important for modern services organizations.
  • Tangible …a way to address some of the most important drivers of value, not just those that are easy to measure.
  • Practical … not bogged down with theory and precision in areas where more precision doesn’t make sense. Getting started with ‘good enough’ and ‘directionally correct’ meaningful measures.
  • Flexible … take this framework and apply it in a way that makes sense. These are a set of guidelines that you can modify for your particular situation.

What is the Open Customer Metrics Framework not meant to be?

  • Prescriptive … there is no one right way.
  • Definitive … these are working definitions, not an expert’s definition.
  • Comprehensive … the measures are relatively broad, not focused as much on individual performance as much as on factors that are important to the organization.
  • Static … as more people share their experiences, we expect this framework to keep getting better.
  • Endorsement … of any particular company, organization or methodology. Nor do we imply that they endorse us.